Vevios: What Does Freedom Mean to You?

What does freedom mean to you? It’s easy to take for granted and the definition of freedom will depend on who you ask. There’s freedom of movement, freedom of thought and freedom of speech - and they’re all important for a functioning society. As a person you are free to express what you are thinking and feeling. You are free to take a walk down the street or in the forest. You are free to go to the store or spend time with your loved ones. It’s fair to say that we would all agree that anything different would be dysfunctional, and perhaps even inhumane. The problem is that this freedom that we all expect and take for granted, is not always available or viable for the elderly.

In the past few months your freedom has probably been restricted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And while nobody likes having their freedoms temporarily restricted, and being forced to change our routines, we understand that it is necessary in order to stop the spread and to save lives. Right now, we cannot freely go outside, enjoy our freedom and meet people without sacrificing our sense of security - but what would it be like if your life was always like that?

Perhaps due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are all getting a taste of the restriction of freedom that many elderly people feel. A lot of elderly and chronically ill people remain confined to their homes due to outdated safety alarm technology. They might still have the physical ability and the mental will to do all the simple things you and I take for granted - like going to the store, seeing their friends or taking a walk, but are unable to do so without sacrificing their sense of security. 

We here at Vevios have always found it unacceptable that the elderly and chronically ill are forced to choose between their safety and their freedom this way. That is why we created the Vevios safety alarm which utilizes the latest developments in eSim technology and cutting-edge telecommunications to deliver a modern safety alarm. Vevios is limitless in reach and communication ability which means that no matter where the user is, they can always feel secure and free.